
What's Hot + What's Not

Time for another edition of What’s Hot + What’s Not.

What’s Hot.

Spending a lovely long weekend with my parents in the Blue Mountains. We drove up on saturday and stayed until Tuesday. My Dad had surgery on his hand this week (it went very well, yay!) and we took him to the hospital and picked him up. We all enjoyed some long chats about all kinds of things, watched ‘Babe‘ (which was the first viewing for me and my parents) and ‘Jane Eyre‘ and enjoyed some yummy food as always. I love getting to spend quality time with my parents. (*waves* to Mum and Dad) Plus I also got some long snuggles with my kitty Max, and Mum and Dad’s cat, Pearl.
It is also so nice to get away from Sydney and escape the noise and heat and enjoy some real peace and quiet. I’m always struck by how much quieter it is in the mountains. The most ‘noise’ you hear is birds and the wind rustling through the trees and at night, the sound of owls hooting away at the moon. I grew up in the Blue Mountains and am very much a mountain girl at heart. I’m afraid I shall never grow to appreciate city life or acclimatise to hot weather!


I found the above in an op shop for $2. I adore kitties (especially my own Kitty Max) so I had to have this. I think the kitties may be tatted? What I thought was velvet backing material, is actually some kind of flocked paper. The frame itself is plastic with paint applied in a wood pattern. It’s a bit scratched so I’m going to repair it. I’m not sure whether to redo the wood pattern, or paint the frame white. Any suggestions?


Found at the same op shop for $1 a pair; vintage aluminium knitting needles. I love these, and have a collection on my desk that include some from my late Aunt and Grandmother and also op shop finds. The new ones are the pink and gold needles at the front.

What’s Not Hot.


The awful, awful weather in Sydney today. I find anything over 24°C uncomfortable, so 36°C is appalling to me! I call this kind of weather ‘uncivilised’ because you can’t move and remain feeling nice and fresh. You end up feeling all hot and icky.
I was born in winter and grew up in the Blue Mountains so cool, wintery weather is my thing. I adore winter, especially if I get to see some snow! Hot weather makes me feel physically sick and I really don’t handle it well at all. I think (?) most people with asthma seem to find humid weather (or at least warm) easier in terms of breathing; I’m one of the rare ones who find very cold, crisp air easier to breath. In this weather, I’ve been known to open the freezer and inhale deeply of its delicious cold crispness!


What's Hot + What's Not Wednesday

I finally felt like getting back into writing in my blog again. I’ve had one, with a few spaces and in a few different places, since 2000. This week I played with the look and was ready to blog. But what to write about? All was saved when I came across Loobylu’s What’s Hot + What’s Not Wednesday by way of the fabulous Pip from Meet Me At Mike’s. Ah, perfect way to get back into things!


What’s Hot.

Seeing my Mum and Dad on the weekend and spending some quality time with them, along with my husband (who they love as a son, aww bless!). I really miss my Mum and Dad and really enjoy visiting with them and sharing some lovely long chats, laughs and some good food. I will also get to see Max, my gorgeous black Kitty who my parent’s very kindly look after for me (we can’t have pets here, sadly) and have some quality Maxie snuggling time; and also my parent’s cat Pearl, who is anyone’s friend as long as you pat her. A lot.

Having lots of fun things on and around my desk. Above you can see two of those things; my Hula doll that I found at a local op shop and could not resist as she is retro and reminds me of the game Fallout 3, and my be-sequined vodka bottle, sadly empty. I cannot resist the sparklies.

Enjoying my holiday time away from Tafe. I’m currently studying to be a library technician and as much as I enjoy the course (especially cataloguing, much to my classmates disbelief) I am loving the time off and not having to think about assignments. Well, at least not until tomorrow.

The fact that it is getting close to christmas which means I can go nuts with decorations + crafting +baking. I’m already itching to get out the christmas tree. We have two – one green plastic tree, standard height and one small white tree which I love as it looks very retro. I have been collecting vintage christmas baubles and love looking at them. I like ones like this. Photos of my collection to come soon.

Having good things to watch on tv. This includes Costa’s Garden Odyssey, River Cottage Spring and  Torchwood Season 2.

What’s Not Hot.

The fact that it is back to Tafe next week – boo! I like the course itself, just not keen on the social politics and cliques within the student groups, not to mention having to travel on city rail trains.

I have not done any crafting yet. This is bad. I envisioned myself being so utterly crafty and creative on my holidays. I really need to get over the perfectionist aspect of my personality so I just start projects and enjoy the process, rather than getting stuck on the idea that I might ruin materials or do something wrong. Issues, I haz them.

There is a pile of laundry that I need to sort, fold and put away. I would enjoy that task if we had more wardrobe/drawer space. We have a lack of it, mainly, because I cannot control myself in op shop clothing sections. And can’t throw things away as “it might be useful one day!”. Hmmm.